Welcome to Biophysics Core Heading link

Understanding the function and structure of biomolecules is crucial in all areas of modern health and life sciences. Characterizing the structure and dynamics of these molecules is essential to understanding the basis of various cellular function, and the Biophysics Core at the Center for Structural Biology is to provide unimpeded access to state-of-the-art and well-maintained biophysics equipment.

The Biophysics Core offers three main categories of research and services: characterization of macromolecules using various biophysical instruments (Mass Photometry (MP), Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC), and Circular Dichroism (CD)), large-scale protein production using a multi-column AKTA FPLC, and macromolecular structural biology using X-ray crystallography and Cryo-EM in collaboration.

The Biophysics Core houses a suite of various biophysical instruments and has a fully equipped wet laboratory for molecular cloning, recombinant protein expression, and multi-step protein purification. Large-scale protein purification service is also offered to users who need purified proteins for SPR, ITC, High-Throughput Screening (HTS), and structural studies.

Hands-on training is available for long-term users who want to have full access to the instruments, as well as assisted runs by a staff are offered to investigators who occasionally need to use core instruments.

For more information on the Biophysics Core, please click here.

Core Director Heading link

Faculty Advisor Heading link

Faculty Advisory Committee Heading link

Research Resources Center Heading link

Meet the RRC

The Research Resources Center is a division of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of Illinois Chicago. RRC offers research faculty, staff, and students a diverse inventory of high-end scientific equipment as well as a wide range of services offered by 14 core facilities staffed with highly skilled scientists. In addition, our staff trains the research faculty, staff, and students to use the scientific equipment. Through the RRC, researchers also have access to statistical and computational support for data handling, data transfer, and interpretation of experimental results. The RRC Scientific Store supports research on campus by supplying over 1300 items while Scientific Instrument Shop can fabricate one-of-a-kind models and repair various as well as complex scientific equipment. The RRC also welcomes external users doing scientific research.